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要約 目的:Purtscher網膜症症例の長期経過の報告。症例:66歳男性がトラックと自動販売機に挟まれて受傷した。両眼の視力低下を自覚し,当日受診した。所見と経過:近見矯正視力は右0.15,左0.02であり,両眼に網膜出血と軟性白斑があった。6か月後の蛍光眼底造影で左眼の中心窩耳側の毛細血管に低蛍光があった。4年後の蛍光眼底造影で左眼黄斑部は過蛍光を呈し,光干渉断層計(OCT)で網膜が菲薄化していた。矯正視力は右1.0,左0.4であった。結論:Purtscher網膜症での中心窩周囲血管網の閉塞の程度が,長期的な網膜の形態と機能に影響する可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of Purtscher retinopathy followed up for 4 years. Case:A 66-year-old man suffered an injury by being compressed between a truck and a vending machine. He was seen by us the same day for impaired vision in both eyes. Findings:His best corrected visual acuity for near was 0.15 right and 0.02 left. Both eyes showed retinal hemorrhages and cotton-wool spots. Fluorescein angiography showed impaired circulation in the left macula after 6 months, and hyperfluorescence in the macula after 4 years. Optical coherence tomography(OCT)showed thinning in the macular area. Visual acuity recovered to 1.0 right and 0.4 left. Conclusion:Impaired circulation in perifoveal capillaries may result in defective morphology and function of the retina following Purtscher retinopathy.

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