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過去10年間に経験した角膜真菌症26例26眼について,考えられる発症誘因,臨床所見,真菌の検出,治療方法およびその効果について検討した。26眼中11眼(42%)に外傷の既往があった。臨床所見では,潰瘍が汚く灰白色を呈したものは26眼(100%)であった。直接鏡検・分離培養ともに陽性であったものは25眼中13眼(52%)であり,分離,同定された菌種はFusafium属が最多であった。治療方法はピマリシンを第1選択とし、必要に応じ他の抗真菌薬を併用した。眼球摘出に至ったFusarium solaniが原因の2例を含む4例以外は潰瘍の消失がみられた。Fusarium属は進行が速く,早期診断と早期治療が重要であると考えられた。
We reviewed 26 eyes of 26 cases of keratomycosis seen during the foregoing 10-year period. Particular attention was paid to the presumed causes, clinical features, detection of causative fungus, therapeutic modality and its effects. History of ocular trauma was present in 11 cases, 42%. The corneal ulcer was dirty and grayish -white in all the eyes. The fungus was identified in 13 eyes, 52%, by direct microscopy and culture. Fusarium sp. was the most frequent identified organism. Pimaricin was used as the drug of first choice in most cases, supplemented by other antifungal agents whenever necessary. The corneal ulcer disappeared in 22 eyes. The other 4 eyes had to be eventually enucleated, of which two were due to Fusarium solani. Keratomycosis by Fusarium sp. tended to show rapid progression. Early diagnosis and initiation of treatment are essential in keratomycosis.

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