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Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty (ALT)が前房蛋白濃度・細胞数に及ぼす影響を laser flare cell meterを用いて検討した。対象は過去に手術既往のない開放隅角緑内障患者20名20眼,平均年齢66歳(41〜87歳)で,病型は原発開放隅角緑内障(POAG)が12名12眼,嚢性緑内障(CG)が8名8眼であった。ALT術前の前房蛋白濃度(ウシ血清アルブミン濃度換算値)は53.1±25.3mg/dlであったが,術後2日目に平均338.2mg/dlと最大となった後漸減した。術後4週目までは有意な前房蛋白濃度の増加が認められた。前房細胞数は術後2日目でのみ有意に増加した。POAGとCGでは前房蛋白濃度と細胞数に有意差はなかった。
We performed a quantitative evaluation of the effect of argon laser trabeculoplasty on the cells and protein concentration in the anterior chamber in 20 treated eyes. We used a laser flare-cell meter FC-1000 (Kowa). Measurement was repeated up to 3 months after treatment. Laser trabeculoplasty was applied to the lower hemisphere of chamber angle. After treatment, aqueous protein increased for 2 days to gradually decrease thereafter. It remained significantly higher than the pretreat-ment level for at least 1 month.The cells in the anterior chamber increased significantly after treatment and returned to the pretreatment level on day 3. The observed changes in aqueous protein coincided well with the rate of reduction in outflow pressure head. The findings seemed to indicate that the early decrease in intraocular pressure following laser trabeculoplasty resulted, at least in part, from an increase in pseudofacility due to breakdown of blood-aqueous barrier.

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