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楽物コントロール不良の開放隅川緑内障眼にlaser trabeculoplasty (LTP)を施行し,術後8週の眼圧値を基準に有効性を検討した。照射条件は隅角1/2周のtrabecularpigment band 上に平均50発施行した。原発性開放隅角緑内障(POAG)67眼の有効率は85.1%,全例86眼では80.2%であった。POAGを40歳未満と以上に分けるとLTP有効率は前者で90.5%,後者が82.6%であったが有意差はなかった(p<0.75)。LTPによる平均眼圧下降は6.7±6.0mmHg, outflow prcssure下降率は38.1±26.6%であった。
We treated 86 eyes with medically uncontrollable open angle glaucoma with argon laser applied to the trabecular meshwork. The treatment was applied over 180°-270° of the circumference. The burns were aimed at the trabecular pigment band and totalled about 50 in number. The efficacy was evaluated by the intraocular pressure (IOP) and the coefficient of outflow at 8 weeks with respect to the pretreatment values.
Very satisfactory results were obtained in primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and in exfoliation syndrome with 85 to 100% success rates.

Copyright © 1984, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.