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糖尿病網膜症患者における前房蛋白濃度(以下 APC)と網膜毛細血管床閉塞領域(以下NP)の関係を検討した。福田分類AⅡ期とBⅠ期の54眼を,レーザーフレア・セルメータで測定したAPCと螢光眼底撮影で判定したNPの広さの間の単相関検定を行うと,両者には有意の正の相関(r=0.69)がみられた。次に,上記対象眼のうちの23眼について,APCを外的基準とし,網膜症病期,腎症の程度と,NPの3因子について多変量解析を施行した(数量化理論第Ⅰ類)ところ,NPがAPCに最も関連することが明らかになった。
We quantitated the aqueous protein concentra-tion in 54 eyes, 27 patients, with diabetic retinopath-y. All the eyes were either in advanced background or preproliferative stage. The average age was 59.5±6.3 (sp) years. Known diabetes had been present for 13.5±4.7 years. We evaluated aqueous protein value in relation to the extent of retinal nonperfusion as assessed by fluorescein angiogra-phy.
There was a significant correlation between the aqueous protein value and retinal nonperfusion area (r= 0. 69, p 0.001). Analysis of other factors showed that the aqueous protein value was less dependent on the status of nephropathy.

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