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We found, in an earlier study, similarities between senile and myopic macular hole regarding the preponderance of females, age of onset and the status of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). We designed the present study to elucidate factors which cause retinal detachment in these two groups.
We evaluated 211 eyes, 196 patients, with macular holes in pathological myopia and with idiopathic senile macular holes seen by us during the foregoing 10-year period. The incidence of retinal detachment was 98% in myopia over -8.25D, 68% in myopia between -8.0D and-3.25D, and 1% in eyes under -3.0D.
Retinal detachment was found in 100% of eyes with widespread myopic chorioretinal atrophy, 91% of spotty and linear chorioretinal atrophy, 64% of myopic tigroid fundus, and in none of eyes without tigroid fundus. Retinal detachment was present in 96% of eyes with posterior staphyloma, and 8% without posterior staphyloma. Retinal detachment occurred in 56% of eyes with complete PVD, 53% of eyes with partial PVD, and 52% without PVD.
The incidence of retinal detachment was thus significantly correlated with degree of refractive error, myopic fundus changes, and posterior sta-phyloma (p<0.05) and not with the status of PVD.
It was our impression that common causative factors are involved in both types of macular holes. The preponderance of retinal detachment in myo-pia may be attributed to the associated pathologi-cal posterior fundus changes.

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