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Comparison of intraocular iris suturing method and McCannel method for pupilloplasty Genichiro Kishino 1 , Shigeo Yaguchi 1 , Yuichiro Tanaka 1 , Mikihiko Ando 1 , Tadahiko Kozawa 1 1Kozawa Eye Hospital and Diabetes Center pp.957-964
Published Date 2020/8/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410213639
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Abstract Purpose:To compare the validity of McCannel method(extraocular method)and intraocular iris suturing method(intraocular method)for pupilloplasty

Material and Methods:Pupilloplasty usinig iris suturing was performed for 17 patients(18 eyes)who have a fixed dilated pupil or pupil dislocation. The surgical method is mainly the extraocular method. If maximal mydriasis required suturing from multiple directions, the intraocular method was selected. The extraocular method was used in 12 eyes, the intraocular method 3 eyes, and a combination of both methods in 3 eyes. The longest pupil diameter and the shortest pupil diameter were measured with Image J, and the average value was defined as the pupil diameter and was compared before and after surgery. The amount of pupillary deviation was traced on the corneal margin and the pupillary border in Illustrator®, and the center of each ring was defined as the corneal center and the pupil center. The distance between the two centers was defined as the amount of pupillary deviation and compared before and after surgery. The time required for threading was compared with the extraocular method and the intraocular method by measuring the time required to pass the iris at one location from the surgical video.

Results:Pupilloplasty were performed in 12 cases using Intraocular method in 3 cases, extraocular method in 12 cases, and both two methods in 3 cases. Pupil dilation decreased 7.2±1.2 mm to 4.5±0.6 mm. Pupil dislocation decreased 2.1±0.9 mm to 1.0±0.3 mm. The time required for iris iuturing was 111.0±48.0 second by extraocular method, 113.6±44.6 second by intraocular method for each. There was no significant difference in the time required for each of the two methods.

Conclusion:Intraocular method and extraocular method for pupilloplasty were both useful. Intraocular method was more useful in cases' that needed multiple suturing.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


