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要約 目的:黄斑前膜(ERM)に対し25Gシステムと27Gシステムを使用した場合の硝子体手術の比較。
対象と方法:順天堂大学医学部附属練馬病院でERMに対し初回硝子体手術を行った42例42眼(男性15眼,女性27眼,69.5±8.3歳)を対象とし診療記録をさかのぼった。16眼は2013年7月〜2015年3月に25G,26眼は2015年4月〜2017年3月に27Gを用いた。27G群では,26眼中5眼でTwin Duty Cycle Cutter(TDCカッター®)を用いた。25G群と27G群の間で,手術時間,術後合併症,術後眼圧,術後1か月の視力改善度を比較した。
結果:25G使用群14眼(白内障手術あり)と27G使用群24眼(白内障手術あり)の間で手術時間を比較した結果,27G使用群で有意に手術時間が長かった(p=0.04)。TDCカッター使用群5眼(白内障手術あり)の手術時間は,25G使用群14眼(白内障手術あり)との間に有意差はなかった(p=0.30)。術後一過性低眼圧や,術前日から術翌日にかけての眼圧変化に関して,両群の間に有意差はなかった。25G群と27G群の間で術前視力,術後視力にそれぞれ有意差はなく(p=0.32 p=0.81),視力改善度についても有意差はなかった(p=0.43)。
Abstract Purpose:To compare 25-gauge(25 G)and 27-gauge(27 G)microincision vitrectomy for epiretinal membrane.
Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 42 eyes of 42 patients who received vitrectomy for epiretinal membrane. The series comprised 15 males and 27 females. The age averaged 69.5±8.3 years. Sixteen eyes received 25 G vitrectomy during 21 months through March 2015. Twenty-six eyes received 27 G vitrectomy during the ensuing 24 months through March 2017. Both groups were compared regarding duration of surgery, postoperative complications, postoperative intraocular pressure(I0P), and changes in visual acuity one month after surgery.
Results:Averaged duration of vitrectomy and simultaneous cataract surgery was significantly longer in 24 eyes of 27 G group than 14 eyes of 25 G group. No difference was present in duration of surgery between 14 eyes in 25 G group and 5 eyes who received Twin Duty Cycle Cutter(p=0.30). No difference was present between 25 G and 27 G group regarding changes in IOP including transient postoperative hypotension, visual acuity or its changes after surgery.
Conclusion:There was no difference between 25 G and 27 G vitrectomy regarding duration of surgery or postoperative complications. Duration of surgery was longer for 27 G than 25 G vitrectomy.

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