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要約 目的:退行性眼瞼下垂症に対して行った眼瞼挙筋短縮術後の角膜の形状と,自覚的他覚的視機能の変化の報告。
対象と方法:過去2年間に2施設で眼瞼挙筋短縮術を行った退行性眼瞼下垂症45例90眼を対象とした。平均年齢は73.8±6.7歳である。裸眼視力,角膜乱視,全眼球高次収差,コマ収差,球面収差を測定し,術前と術後1か月に眼精疲労についてアンケートを行った。コントラスト感度を波面収差から解析グラフ(MTF)として算出し,area ratioを評価した。
結果:角膜乱視の平均は,術前1.56±0.52D,術後1.29±0.41Dで,有意に減少した(p=0.013)。明所視の全高次収差とコマ収差,薄暮視のコマ収差は,いずれも有意に減少した。MTFのarea ratioの平均値は,術前14.8±4.2%,術後18.6±4.5%で,有意に増加した(p=0.019)。アンケートによる視覚的評価尺度(VAS)では,「肩がこる」「いらいらする」「焦点が合いづらい」などの項目が有意に改善した(いずれもp<0.05)。
Abstract Purpose:To report changes in the shape of cornea and visual functions following surgery for blepharoptosis.
Cases and Method:We reviewed 45 cases who received bilateral CO2 laser-assisted levator resection for involutional blepharoptosis in the past 2 years. The age averaged 73.8±6.7 years. Before and after surgery, cases were evaluated regarding visual acuity, corneal astigmatism, total high-order aberration(HOA), coma, and spherical aberration. Area ratio was calculated from contrast sensitivity simulation using modulation transfer function(MTF).
Results:Corneal astigmatism averaged 1.56±0.52D before surgery and 1.29±0.47D after surgery. The difference was significant(p=0.013). After surgery, total HOA and coma aberration during photopia and coma aberration during mesopia decreased significantly. Area ratio increased significantly from presurgical value of 14.8±4.2% to postsurgical value of 18.6±4.5%(p=0.019). Eye strain, as reported by patients, decreased regarding stiff shoulder, irritation and blurring(p<0.05 respectively).
Conclusion:Surgery for blepharoptosis resulted in improved subjective and objective visual functions probably secondary to decreased corneal astigmatism. This finding seemed to be related to improvement in HOA and contrast sensitivity.

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