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要約 目的:近年,硝子体手術をはじめ3D heads-up surgery(HUS)による内眼手術の報告は増えているが,眼形成手術についての報告は少ない。今回筆者らは,眼瞼下垂手術においてHUSと通常の顕微鏡鏡筒(MS)使用手術を比較検討したので報告する。
対象と方法:退行性眼瞼下垂20例ずつをHUS群とMS群に分け,同一術者による挙筋短縮術を施行,HUS群はNGENUITY®3Dビジュアルシステムを使用した。両群間に手術時間(総時間T1,皮膚切開T2,挙筋前転T3および皮膚縫合T4),術中体験として痛みと眩しさについて自覚スコア(VAS)と術後成績の眼瞼浮腫および1か月のMRD1改善量について比較検討した。また,HUS群においては,デジタルカラーフィルター使用の有無によって,前期10例(filter offモード)と後期10例(green filterモード)に分け,群内比較検討を行った。
結論:HUSによる眼瞼下垂手術時間はMSより長いものの,安全で可能であった。Green filterモードを使用することで,術中出血時に視認性が向上し手術時間の短縮につながる可能性が示唆された。
Abstract Purpose:Recently, three-dimensional heads-up surgery(HUS)has been increasing used, especially in vitrectomy and cataract surgeries. However, little is known about blepharoptosis surgery using HUS. In this study, we report our experience with the HUS-assisted blepharoptosis surgery compared to regular microscopic surgery.
Participants and Methods:Forty eyes of 20 patients diagnosed with involutional blepharoptosis were age and gender-matched and equally divided into two groups that underwent blepharoptosis surgery using HUS(NGENUITY®, Alcon)or a regular microscope(MS). The total operation time(T1), incision(T2), levator resection(T3)and closure(T4)were step-wise compared between the two groups. According to the use of the green filter, the HUS group was further divided into two subgroups and the corresponding parameters were compared. Further, a self-assessment questionnaire survey was conducted for intraoperative pain and microscopic light dazzle(visual analog score, VAS). The lid swelling score(VAS)and, the improvement of MRD1 at 1 month following surgery were also investigated.
Results:The T1, T2, T3 and T4 were 21.5±4.2 min, 6.7±3.9 min, 3.61±2.62 min, and 9.4±5.7 min for the HUS group and 13.8±2.6 min, 3.2±0.88 min, 3.15±1.7 min and 5.35±2.61 min for the MS group. The T1, T2, T4 showed significant differences between the two groups(p=0.014, p=0.002 and p=0.01, Student t-test). For HUS, the green filter subgroup showed significantly decreased surgical time of T1 and T2 compared to no-filter subgroup(p=0.016 and p=0.007). There was no significant difference in intraoperative pain, intraoperative light dazzle, postoperative lid swelling and improvement of MRD1 between the two groups.
Conclusions:Although HUS-assisted blepharoptosis surgery is time-consuming compared to regular microscopic surgery, the application of green filter can be beneficial for increased visibility of the surgical field and hence contribute to shortened surgical time.

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