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要約 目的:ブリンゾラミド/チモロールマレイン酸塩配合懸濁性点眼液(BRI/TIM)の有効性を検討。対象と方法:ドルゾラミド/チモロールマレイン酸塩配合点眼液(DOR/TIM)で加療中の緑内障患者24例24眼に対し,washout期間なく,BRI/TIMへの切替えを行った。切替え前,1,3および6か月後の眼圧を測定し,前眼部の観察をした。各点眼液の使用感も評価した。結果:切替え前後の眼圧には有意差はなかった。使用感は,切替え後に有意な評価が得られた。1例で角膜上皮障害が改善した。結論:BRI/TIMは,切替え6か月後も眼圧を維持できた。配合剤の使用感は良好であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome for 6 months after switching from fixed combination of dorzolamide/timolol(DOR/TIM)to brinzolamide/timolol(BRI/TIM)for glaucoma. Cases and Method:This study was made on 24 eyes of 24 patients of glaucoma. The series comprised 8 males and 16 females. The age ranged from 35 to 82 years, average 65 years. Primary open-angle glaucoma was present in 8 eyes, normal-tension glaucoma in 14, and closed-angle glaucoma in 2. After receiving DOR/TIM for one month or over. treatment was switched to BRI/TIM without intervening period of washout. Applanation tonometer was used to check the intraocular pressure(IOP)1, 3 and 6 months after switching. Patients were asked to express subjective feelings one month after switching. Results:There was no difference in IOP at baseline, 1, 3 and 6 months after switching. When asked one month after switching, 16 patients(67%)preferred BRI/TIM and 6 patients(25%)preferred DOR/TIM. Eye irritation was reported by 17 patients(71%)while using DOR/TIM and 6 patients(25%)while using BRI/TIM. Blurring of vision was reported by 11 patients(46%)while using BRI/TIM. Corneal damage improved after switching in one patient. Conclusion:Switching from DOR/TIM to BRI/TIM showed no change in IOP for 6 months. Treatment with BRI/TIM was subjectively preferred by two-thirds of patients.

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