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赤外螢光眼底造影法が,眼底検査および螢光眼底検査では確認困難な新生血管,いわゆるhidden choroidal neovascular membranesの存在を,明らかにすることができるか否かについて検討を加えた.螢光所見上,notch sign (Gass1984)がみられ,その部位に新生血管の存在が疑われた3症例3眼と,出血,滲出斑,網膜色素上皮などに覆われ,新生血管の存在部位不明な9症例9眼の老人性円盤状黄斑変性症に,ビデオシステムによる赤外螢光造影を施行した.対象とした12症例12眼すべてに,赤外螢光所見上,脈絡膜異常血管陰影と色素漏出を特徴とする新生血管が病変内に観察された.
赤外螢光眼底造影法は,hidden choroidalneovascular membranesを検索できる唯一の方法であり,老人性円盤状黄斑変性症の診断には,欠くことのできない検査法である.
We evaluated the clinical usefulness of video indocyanine green angiography for occult choroidal neovascular membranes. We studied 12 cases of senile disciform macular degeneration with the method. In all the eyes, the localization of newly formed vessels was uncertain with conventionalmethods of clinical examination. Three eyes manifested a notch. The remaining 9 eyes showed various signs of occult choroidal neovascular mem-brane as funduscopic and fluorescein angiographic findings.
Indocyanine green angiography indicated the precise location of choroidal neovascularization in all the eyes. Abnormal choroidal vessels could be identified in early phase angiogram to be followed by dye leakage in late phase one. The finding implies that indocyanine green angiography has an advantage over routine examinations in the diagno-sis of occult choroidal neovascular membranes.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(7) : 827-829, 1988

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