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Muscle transposition is at present the sole treat-ment for complete paralysis of the extraocular muscle. Of the available transposition techniques, the Jensen procedure is generally rated safest as it renders unnecessary the cutting of the extraocular muscle tendons and thus prevents anterior segment ischemia. Recently, we developed a new method of transposition for abducens palsy which preserves the features of the Jensen procedure while eliminat-ing division of the lateral rectus muscle.
Longitudinal cuts are made in the superior andinferior rectus muscles. The temporal halves are then sutured to the sclera near the superior and inferior margins of the lateral rectus. Use of this procedure on 7 eyes in 5 patients showed it to be very effective in Correcting eye position. Postoper-ative eye positions were between +5° and -5°, with a mean improvement by 23±6.2°.
No severe postoperative complications, such as anterior segment ischemia, occurred in the present series. This method thus appears to be at least equal to the Jensen procedure in safety and effec-tiveness.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(6) : 823-826, 1988

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