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発端者について,ERG検査ではnormal responseを示したが,黄色背景光下のblueERGはnonrecordableであった.心理物理的検査としてスベクトル比視感度と,Waldの選択色順応法による錐体の分離と二色閾値法(tvi曲線)とTransient Tritanopia Effectの測定を行い,tvi曲線で青錐体系がわずかに機能している以外完全型第3色盲と同じように青錐体系が機能していない結果を得た.
We observed a family with tritanopia affecting three members : a 35-year-old female, her sister aged 33 years and their father aged 66 years. Each of the three cases had normal visual acuity. They manifested pure tritanopic findings and were free of red-green defects when tested with various color vision tests. No pathological fundus findings were observed in the affected and unaffected family members. These findings led to the conclusion that the tritanopia in this family was decidedly hered-itary and was of dominant autosomal nature.
One of the three cases showed normal ERG and non-recordable blue ERG under background illu-mination. Psychophysiological studies made on the proband demonstrated no detectable blue cone response without π component, or Stiles' n mecha-nism. The findings were suggestive of underlying defective functions in the blue cone system following loss of interreceptoral interraction between the blue cone and the longer wavelength sensitive red and blue cones.

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