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以上の結果から,本症例は杆体系および錐体系の反応を有するものの,特に赤および緑錐体の視色素のoptical densityの減少によるincomplete achromatopsiaの一種と推察した.
We observed strong dyschromatopsia in a 9-year-old boy and his siter aged 5 years. Both manifested reduced visual acuity at 0.1 in either eye. No fundus abnormalities were present. They could not read any of Ishihara's plates except Nr. 1. They made over 400 errors on the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test with a red-green axis. Spectral sensitivities of the brother at 4° temporally at scotopic levels were similar to the CIE scotopic curve. His spectral sen-sitivity at the fovea at photopic levels showed a reduced cone response in the long wavelength re-gion. It was higher than in protanomalies. The red-green settings of color matchings shifted towards red. Yellow settings showed a higher number than in protanomalous settings.
The findings indicate that the cases manifest a kind of incomplete achromatopsia with reduced ef-fective opitcal density of red and green cones.

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