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25歳女性。左上強膜炎として通院中,右眼球突出,眼痛,視力低下をきたした。CT scanning所見を参考にして,後部強膜炎と診断しmethylpredonisolone, hydro—cortisoneの全身投与にて軽快したが,前眼部の炎症を月経周期毎に繰返した。基礎体温測定の結果,上強膜炎様症状が月経初期,排卵数日前に出現する点に着目し,Triamcinoloneacetonideを排卵抑制の目的で月経第10に40mg投与。その後基礎体温は4ヵ月間一相性となり,前眼部炎症は消退。基礎体温の二相性が回復してから現在まで再発をみていない。
A 25-year-old female developed recurrent attacks of episcleritis during every menstrual cycle for the past four years. She developed conjunctival hy-peremia, ocular pain spontaneously or during eye movement and visual disturbance in her right eye. She was diagnosed as posterior scleritis and was treated with systemic methylprednisolone and hy-drocortisone. The visual acuity returned to normal after the treatment, but conjunctival hy-peremia and ocular pain reappeared at every menstrual and preovulatory period as judged by her basal body temperature (BBT) record.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.