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緒 言
Leber's congenital amauroslsは,1869年にLeberが,瞳孔対光反応が消失し,眼振を伴い,Tapetoretinal degenerationに属し,遺伝性を行する先天盲として,初めて報告した疾患である1)。
A girl with normal birth was suspected to have cortical blindness at the age of 4 month, owing to inability of visual persuit of moving object.
She was examined at 14 months : the pupillary reactions were very sluggish, and horizontal nys-tagmus and "oculo-digital phenomenon" were seen. The optic discs and retinal vessels were essentially normal, but the posterior parts of the retina showed mottled appearance. Further to the mid-peripheral part of the retina, there was bluish change with fine pigmentary spots and the area was clearly demarcated from the posterior part.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.