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1973年7月より1981年6月までの8年間に当科を初診し,Leber's congenitalamaurosisと診断された22症例につき検討した。性別は男子10例,女子12例であり,初診年齢は6歳未満が16例(73%)を占めており,主訴は視力障害が21例(95.5%),眼振が1例(4.5%)であった。親が視力障害に気付いたのは全例乳児期であった。視力は全例0.1以下で,重篤な視力障害を示した。差明を呈するものが3例(14%),眼振を呈するものが8例(36%)で,指眼症候を10例(45%),眼振様運動を6例(27%)に認めた。眼底所見は正常より定型的網膜色素変性症の所見を呈するものまで,多種多様な所見を呈した。ERGは全例に施行し,3例(14%)に著明な減弱を認め,他の19例(86%)には反応を認めなかった。精神発達遅延の合併は6例(27%)に認められ,家族歴のあるものは6例(27%)であった。
Twenty-two cases that have been diagnosed as Leber's congenital amaurosis at Keio University during eight years were clinically reviewed. Ten children were male and twelve were female. Twenty-one children presented with the chief com-plaint of poor vision and one with nystagmus. They showed severe decrease in vision during infancy. They had vision ranging from non light percep-tion to 20/200. Nystagmus was seen in eight chil-dren (36%), nystagmoid movement in six (27%), oculodigital sign in ten (45%) and photophobia in three (14%). Fundus appearance had a broad spectrum from normal to typical tapetoretinal de-generation.

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