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緒 言
中心性漿液性網脈絡膜症(central scrous cho-rioretinopathy,以下CSC)とストレスとの関係は古くから知られ,精神身体医学的検討もいくつか成されて来た1〜3)。またこの点に注目して作られた家兎の実験的本症も,古味4)以来しばしば研究対象となつている。しかしストレスと関係の深いカテコールアミンに関する検討は全くなされなかつた。そして,光凝固法の普及で,本症治療成績が向上こしたともあつてか,本症とストレスという観点から発生病理に迫ろうとする努力は,最近やや影を潜めた様にも思える。
Urinary cathecholamines, both of adrenaline (A) and noradrenaline (NA), vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were measured in 14 patients with central serous cho-rioretinopathy (CSC), in order to clarify the correlation between CSC and the stress. All the patients were measured during the active stage of the disease. Eleven out of the 14 cases were also studied during the remissive stage. These data were compared with twenty normal controls. A large amount of A was excreted in both stages (P<0.005). Excretion of NA was significantly high at the active stage (P<0.05).

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.