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(18-D-23) 自我状態を評価するエゴグラム・チェック・リストを使って,中心性漿液性網脈絡膜症34例を検索した。すべて男性であり,非再発性23例,再発性11例であった。平均エゴグラムは,再発群が非再発群よりも,AC (順応した子供)が有意に高値を示した(p<0.01)。FC (自由な子供)よりもACが高いものと,ACが5点以上の場合をAC優位型と定義した。この頻度は非再発群で6例(26%),再発群で9例(82%)であり,有意差があった(p<0.01)。本症の再発性は,非再発性よりも,自我状態の歪みがあることが示された。
We evaluated the ego states of 34 cases of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) using an egogram check list. All were males comprising 23 non-recurrent cases and 11 recurrent ones. The average egogram showed a signifcantly higher incidence of type AC (adapted child) in the recurrent cases (p < 0.01). Cases were assigned to dominant AC type when the AC score was 5 points or higher or when the AC score was higher than FC (free child) score. Dominant AC type was found in 6 non-recurrent cases (26%) and in 9 recurrent ones (82%). The difference was significant (p < 0.01). The findings show that patients with recurrent CSC tend to be in a more distorted ego state than those with non-recurrent CSC.

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