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帯状角膜変性band shaped keratopathyは石灰変性の特殊なもので,角膜中央部からやや下方へ,瞼裂に沿つて角膜輪部より中央に向かう灰白色の点状混濁が見られる。最初,小さな顆粒状で左右からのびた混濁が角膜露出部中央でつながつて,次第に不規則な結節状,さらに膜状となることもあるが,進行は非常に遅く帯状変性が完成するまでに数年かかるのが普通である1)。
この帯状角膜変性は1848年Dixon2)によりはじめて記載されたが,calcareous film of thecornea, girdle-shaped opacity, band or ri—bbon-shaped opacity, band-keratitis, trophickeratitis, zonular opacityなど種々の名称がある。
A 10-year-old girl had band-shaped kerato-pathy in her right eye from chronic iridocyc-litis.
This opacity in the central two-thirds of the cornea was observed as the fine white veil un-der the biomicroscope in the anterior stroma covered by clear epithelium.
The removal of opacity was attempted with application of 2% EDTA and the use of soft contact lens. However, the result was insuffi-cient since the opacity was covered with epi-thelium. Under topical anesthesia, the epithe-lium and the underlying opacity were removed by scrubbing with cotton swab applying 5% HCl.

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