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われわれは北海道に在住する者を対象として,眼瞼の高径,横径,内眼角間距離,瞳孔距離,上眼瞼挙筋機能(Levator function)について調査したので報告する。
Normal growth of the palpebral fissure, inter-medial canthal distance, pupillary distance and levator function were measured in 1113 Japanese. These were 524 males and 589 females aged two to eighty who had not any palpebral ano-malies. Photographic images were measured in every object so that values did not mean real length or width of palpebral fissure but apparent ones.
Average values of the normal Japaneses adults and growth (%) compared to those of infants (age group of four and five y.o.) were as fo-llows.
Male Female Rate of growth
Palpebral length: 26.5mm 25.5mm 117%
Palpebral width: 8.2mm 8.5mm 114%

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