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網膜色素変性が,かように多彩な遺伝型式をとつて遺伝することから,Fall1),François2), Duke-Elder3),小林4),Franceschettiら5),川上6),小林7)らの諸氏は,一様に,網膜色素変性と診断される疾患の中には,その遺伝型式の違いにより多種症状のvarietyを示すものが包含されることを推測した。
The clinical and electrophysiological analysis were pursued in two families which carried hereditary retinitispigmentosa.
It was proved genetically that the one family showed a mode of dominant inheritance andthe other X chromosomal-linked inheritance.
2 people, 11 year-old-boy and 6 year-old-girl, of 8 affected sibships in the dominant family were determined as the early stage of the re-tinitis pigmentosa by the examinations such as ophthalmoscopy, perimetry, adaptometry, ERG and EOG.
On the other hand, 6 female carriers who in-dicated the various degrees of.

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