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従来,多くの一眼性網膜色素変性の報告が行なわれて来たが,これらの報告例を検討するとき,梅毒反応陽性例,健眼のflicker fusion fieldの障害例等も少なからず迷入して居り,果して一次変性か否か,いささか疑念を抱かざるを得ない。
After various electro-physiological and clin-ical studies were made of five cases of pigm-entary degeneration in the perfect unilateral condition of the eye fundus picture, the follo-wing results were obtained.
1. Former reports of cases of unilateral pi-gmentary degeneration cantained a considera-ble number of secondary pigmentary degene-rations.
2. The degree of disturbances were parallel on the ERG and EOG of the unilateral seco-ndary degeneration, in direct propotion tO the condition of the disease.

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