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要約 目的:Behçet病に続発した緑内障に対し,線維柱帯切除術を行った3症例の報告。症例:症例はいずれも男性で,年齢は30,39,44歳である。Behçet病の罹患歴はそれぞれ14か月,8年,14年で,眼圧上昇はいずれも片眼性であった。インフリキシマブをそれぞれ3か月,30か月,2週間全身投与した後に,マイトマイシンCを併用する線維柱帯切除術を行った。結果:罹患眼の術前の眼圧は,それぞれ42mmHg,27mmHg,35mmHgであり,術4年後の現在まで,すべて14mmHg以下に維持されている。重篤な眼炎症発作や感染などの合併症はない。結論:Behçet病3例3眼の緑内障に対し,インフリキシマブ導入後に線維柱帯切除術を行い,良好な結果を得た。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of trabeculectomy for glaucoma in 3 cases of Behçet disease. Cases:All were males and were aged 30, 39 and 44 years respectively. Behçet disease had been diagnosed 14 months, 8 years and 14 years before. Ocular hypertension was present unilaterally in all the cases. Trabeculectomy with adjunct use of mitomycin C was performed after systemic infliximab for 3 months, 30 months, and 2 weeks respectively. Results:Intraocular pressure(IOP)in the affected eye was 42 mmHg, 27 mmHg and 35 mmHg respectively. IOP decreased after surgery and has been maintained under 14 mmHg for 4 years until present. There has been no recurrence of intraocular inflammation nor infection. Conclusion:Trabeculectomy was effective in 3 eyes of Behçet disease after introduction of systemic infliximab therapy.

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