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要約 目的:急性緑内障発作眼に対する水晶体摘出後の屈折値の報告。対象:過去3年間に水晶体摘出と眼内レンズ挿入を行った急性緑内障発作中の14眼を対象とした。男性4例,女性10例で,平均年齢は68歳である。結果:平均眼圧は術前52.5mmHg,術後15.2mmHgであった。平均眼軸長は22.3±0.77mmであった。角膜曲率半径(K1,K2)は,術前値がそれぞれ7.72mmと7.49mm,術後値がそれぞれ7.63mmと7.50mmであり,有意差がなかった。術前の目標屈折度と術後の屈折度に有意差がなかった。結論:水晶体摘出と眼内レンズ挿入を行った急性緑内障発作眼では,術前の目標屈折度と術後の屈折度に有意差がなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report changes in refraction following lens removal with implantation of intraocular lens(IOL)in eyes with acute glaucomatous attack. Cases:This study was made on 14 eyes that received lens removal with implantation of intraocular lens(IOL)during acute glaucomatous attack in the past 3 years. The series comprised 4 males and 10 females. The age averaged 68 years. Results:Intraocular pressure averaged 52.5 mmHg before and 15.2 mmHg after surgery. Length of ocular axis averaged 22.3±0.77 mm. Corneal curvature, expressed as K1 and K2, averaged 7.72 mm and 7.49 mm respectively before, and 7.63 mm and 7.50 mm after surgery. The difference was not significant. No difference was present between target refraction before and actual one after surgery. Conclusion:There was no difference between target and actual refraction in eyes that received lens removal with IOL implantation during acute glaucomatous attack.

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