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要約 目的:脈絡膜悪性黒色腫に対し半導体レーザー治療を行った1症例の報告。症例:48歳男性が10日前からの左眼変視症で受診した。所見:矯正視力は左右眼とも1.5であった。左眼の黄斑部上方に黒褐色の脈絡膜隆起があり,網膜剝離を伴っていた。脈絡膜悪性黒色腫と診断し,半導体レーザーを照射した。翌日の視力が0.7に低下した。3週後に1.2になり,7か月後の現在まで網膜剝離の再発はない。結論:半導体レーザー照射で,脈絡膜悪性黒色腫に併発した網膜剝離が消失し,眼球を温存することができた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of choroidal malignant melanoma treated by diode laser irradiation. Case:A 48-year-old male presented with metamorphopsia since 10 days before. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 1.5 in either eye. The left eye showed a dark-brown protrusion along the vascular arcade superior to the macula. The tumor was associated by serous retinal detachment. The left eye was diagnosed with choroidal malignant melanoma and was treated by irradiation of diode laser. Visual acuity decreased to 0.7 the following day and improved to 1.2 three weeks later. There has been no recurrence of retinal detachment for 7 months until present. Conclusion:Diode laser irradiation was effective for choroidal malignant melanoma associated with retinal detachment.

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