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要約 目的:スペクトラルドメイン光干渉断層計(SD-OCT)で測定された緑内障眼の黄斑部網膜神経節細胞複合体(GCC)厚および乳頭周囲網膜神経線維層(cpRNFL)厚と視野障害の関係の報告。対象と方法:広義原発開放隅角緑内障23例41眼を対象とした。2機種(RTVue-100,RS-3000)のSD-OCTでGCC厚,cpRNFL厚を測定した。視野検査はHumphrey視野計で測定し,中心30-2のMD値とVFI,トータル偏差で評価した。GCC厚,cpRNFL厚はBland-Altman plot解析を用い分析し,視野指標との関係は回帰分析を用い評価した。結果:直径9mmのGCC厚は視野指標と強く相関していた。RTVue-100とRS-3000のGCC厚に有意な差があった。RS-3000のGCC厚およびcpRNFL厚は,RTVue-100に対して比例誤差が生じた。結論:2機種のGCC厚およびcpRNFL厚は視野障害と有意に相関していた。RTVue-100とRS-3000のGCC厚は有意に相関していたが,機種間で値は異なることが示された。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the correlation between visual field loss and thickness of retinal nerve fiber layer in the circumpapillary(cpRNFL)and macular ganglion cell complex(GCC)using two spectral-domain optical coherence tomograph(SD-OCT)instruments. Cases and Methods:Forty-one eyes of 23 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma were evaluated by RTVue-100 and RS-3000. Visual field was evaluated by MD value, VFI and total deviation measured Humphrey perimetry. The relationship between retinal structure and visual field indices was evaluated by Bland-Altman analysis and regression analysis. Results:GCC thickness of 9 mm in diameter significantly correlated with visual field index. Although GCC and cpRNFL measurements were highly correlated between the instruments, the Bland-Altman analysis revealed proportional biases. Conclusion:GCC and cpRNFL thickness of the two SD-OCT instruments were significantly correlated with visual field parameters. GCC measurements were well correlated between the instruments but had different values for thickness.

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