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要約 背景:Ex-PRESSTMはステンレススチール製の緑内障用のインプラントで,強膜弁下に留置され,術中と術後の合併症が少ないとされている。目的:複数回の手術の既往がある緑内障眼にEx-PRESSTMを用いる濾過手術を行った報告。症例:66歳男性の両眼に原発開放隅角緑内障があり,右眼に3回,左眼に2回の線維柱帯切除術と,右眼に2回の硝子体手術などが過去7年間に行われた。眼圧コントロールがなお不良であり,Ex-PRESSTMによる濾過手術を両眼に行った。結果:術中・術後の合併症はなく,手術7か月後の現在,両眼の眼圧は点眼下で15mmHg前後に維持されている。結論:難治性緑内障に対するEx-PRESSTMによる濾過手術は,安全で有効であった。
Abstract. Background:Ex-PRESSTM is a miniature stainless device to be implanted for glaucoma. It is claimed to have lesser complications before and after surgery. Purpose:To report the outcome of implantation of Ex-PRESSTM in a case with a history of multiple glaucoma surgeries in the past. Case:A 66-year-old man had received 3 filtration surgeries in the right eye and 2 in the left for primary open-angle glaucoma in the past 7 years. The right eye had also received two vitreous surgeries. Both eyes had still elevated intraocular pressure(IOP)and received implantation of Ex-PRESSTM. Results:Both eyes were free of intra-or postoperative complications. IOP was controlled around 15 mmHg with topical medication 7 months after surgery. Conclusion:Use of Ex-PRESSTM was safe and effective for refractory glaucoma.

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