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要約 目的:裂孔原性網膜剝離に対し,広角観察装置を用いて行った硝子体手術の報告。対象と方法:過去17か月間に硝子体手術を行い,3か月以上の経過が追えた網膜剝離74例74眼を対象とした。男性47例,女性27例で,年齢は18~89歳(平均59歳)である。18眼には20ゲージシステム,56眼には23ゲージシステム,広角観察装置としてOFFISS(トプコン)を用いた。結果:初回復位は70眼(95%),最終復位は73眼(99%)で得られた。非復位の1眼は増殖性硝子体網膜症になり,現在はシリコーンオイル下で復位している。結論:裂孔原性網膜剝離に対し,広角観察装置を用いて行った硝子体手術の成績は,従来のコンタクトレンズを用いた成績と同等であった。両方法の利点を活かして使い分けることが望ましい。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of vitreous surgery for retinal detachment using a wide viewing system. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 74 eyes of 74 patients of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment treated by vitreous surgery during the past 17 months. The series comprised 47 males and 27 females. The age ranged from 18 to 89 years,average 59 years. Surgery was performed using 20-gauge system in 18 eyes and 23-gauge system in 56 eyes. OFFISS,a wide viewing system by Topcon,was used in all the cases. Cases were followed up for 3 months or longer. Results:The retina became reattached in 70 eyes(95%)after initial surgery and in 73 eyes(99%)after multiple surgeries. The remaining one eye developed proliferative vitreoretinopathy and was brought to reattachment under silicone oil. Conclusion:Outcome of vitreous surgery with a wide viewing system was similar to that with a contact lens. Both methods may be used according to individual circumstances.

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