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要約 裂孔原性網膜剝離36眼に対して硝子体手術を行った。全例が有水晶体眼で,手術の際に水晶体を温存した。原因裂孔は,弁状裂孔のみ11眼(30%),弁状裂孔とその他の象限に格子状変性がある20眼(56%),その他5眼(14%)であった。硝子体手術のみを6眼,硝子体手術と輪状締結を30眼に行った。初回手術で33眼(92%)に復位が得られ,再剝離した他の3眼も最終的に復位した。従来の報告とほぼ同様で良好な結果が得られたが,水晶体を温存する際には徹底した硝子体の切除が必要である。
Abstract. We treated 36 eyes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment by pars plana vitreous surgery as the primary procedure. All the eyes were phakic and the lens was left intact during surgery. Horseshoe tear was present in 11 eyes(30%),additional lattice degeneration in 20 eyes(56%),and other lesions in 5 eyes(14%). Vitreous surgery alone was performed in 6 eyes. The other 30 eyes received additional scleral encircling. The retina became reattached in 33 eyes(92%)after the initial procedure and in all the 36 eyes after repeated surgeries. The outcome was similar to previous reports using vitreous surgery and lensectomy. A complete removal of the vitreous is essential when the lens is left intact.

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