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要約 目的:高齢者に発症し,抗サイトメガロウイルス(CMV)薬が奏効した進行性網膜外層壊死様の眼底病変を伴う汎ぶどう膜炎と角膜内皮炎の報告。症例:79歳男性の両眼に虹彩毛様体炎が発症し,その2週間後に急性網膜壊死が疑われて受診した。帯状疱疹の既往はなかった。所見と経過:矯正視力は右0.4,左指数弁で,左眼に強い硝子体混濁と隆起性の網膜深層滲出斑があった。硝子体からはヘルペス群ウイルス核酸は証明されなかった。網膜血管に沿う滲出斑が増加し,CMV感染を疑った。抗CMV薬とプレドニゾロンを全身投与し,眼内炎は緩慢に鎮静化した。抗CMV薬の減量または中止に伴い,眼底病変と角膜内皮炎が再発した。増量または再投与で寛解し,発症から1年後に右0.9,左0.1の視力を得た。全経過中,網膜血管の閉塞はなかった。結論:治療経過から本症にはCMVが関与している可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of advanced age with panuveitis and findings simulating progressive outer retinal necrosis. Case:A 79-year-old male developed iridocyclitis in both eyes. He was referred to us 2 weeks later for suspected acute retinal necrosis. He had no history of herpes zoster. Findings:His corrected visual acuity was 0.4 right and counting fingers left. The left eye showed dense vitreous opacity and elevated exudative retinal lesion. No viral nucleic acid of herpes group was detected in the vitreous specimen. Increase of exudation along retinal vessels was suggestive of cytomegalovirus(CMV)infection. Intraocular lesions gradually subsided after peroral anti-CMV drug and prednisolone but recurred after decrease or withdrawal of medication. Final regression occurred one year after onset with visual acuity of 0.9 right and 0.1 left. There had been no occlusion of retinal vessels throughout the course. Conclusion:CMV may have been etiologically involved in the present case.
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