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要約 目的:腎移植後の片眼に水痘帯状疱疹ウイルス(VZV)による進行性網膜外層壊死(PORN)を発症し,その後僚眼にサイトメガロウイルス(CMV)網膜炎を発症した1例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of cytomegalovirus(CMV)retinitis in the left eye and progressive outer retinal necrosis(PORN)in the right eye after kidney transplant.
Case and clinical report:A 48-year-old man who received a kidney transplant was administrated immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection. He suffered from herpes zoster and was treated with acyclovir in 2010. He visited us due to blurring vision in his right eye. Visual acuity was 0.15 in the right eye and 1.2 in the left. Uveitis with exudative retinitis were observed in the right eye. Varicella zoster virus was isolated from the aqueous humor via PCR, which led to the diagnosis of PORN. Aciclovir and steroids were administrated systemically, and vitrectomy with lensectomy and silicon oil tamponade were performed in his right eye. Additional vitrectomy was performed after 10 months. Macular edema due to central retinal vein occlusion occurred in his left eye in 2019 and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor drug was injected intravitrealy. Vitreous opacity and exudative retinitis appeared one month after the injection. Vitrectomy and silicon oil tamponade were performed, and CMV was detected by PCR method from vitreous fluid and CMV retinitis was diagnosed. The visual acuity was 0.07 in his right eye and 0.7 in the left after the surgery.
Conclusion:Two different types of virus caused retinitis in each eye on different occasions after kidney transplant in this case. Therefore, it is necessary to search for the cause each time.

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