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要約 目的:眼瞼けいれん患者の所見が日本の2006年版ドライアイ診断基準でどのように判定されるかの報告。対象:本態性眼瞼けいれんの65例130眼を対象とした。男性14例,女性51例で,年齢は40~82歳(平均63歳)である。24例では治療の既往がなく,41例ではボツリヌス毒素による治療を2か月以内には受けていなかった。結果:全例に眼表面の異常を示唆する自覚症状があり,羞明が最も多かった。45例(69%)が過去にドライアイと診断され治療を受けていたが,すべて効果がなかった。Schirmer Ⅰ法で5mm以下の陽性が27眼(21%),涙液層破壊時間5秒以内が75眼(58%)にあった。以上の所見は,ボツリヌス毒素による加療歴の有無で差がなかった。39眼(30%)ではフルオレセイン染色試験が3点以上であった。今回の130眼をドライアイの診断基準で評価すると,32眼(25%)がドライアイ確定,51眼(39%)がその疑いと判定された。結論:ドライアイの新診断基準では多数の眼瞼けいれん患者がドライアイと判定され,正しい治療を受けられないことになる。ドライアイの診断では,眼瞼けいれんを除外することが必要である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the applicability of 2006 version of diagnostic criteria for dry eye to essential blepharospasm. Cases:This study was made on 130 eyes of 65 patients with essential blepharospasm. The series comprised 14 males and 51 females. The age ranged from 40 to 82 years, average 63 years. Twenty-four patients had received no treatment. The other 41 patients had been treated by botulinum toxin more than 2 months before. Results:All the cases had subjective symptoms suggesting ocular surface disorders with photophobia as the most frequent complaint. Before consulting us, 45 patients(69%)had been treated under the diagnosis of dry eye with no effect. In the present series, 27 eyes(21%)were positive by showing 5mm or less by Schirmer I test. Tear break-up time was less than 5sec in 75 eyes(58%). These findings were independent on the history of treatment with botulinum toxin. Fluorescein staining score was 3 or over in 39 eyes(30%). When the 130 eyes in the present series were evaluated by the new diagnostic criteria, 32 eyes(25%)were judged as definite dry eye and 51 eyes(39%)as dry eye suspect. Conclusion:According to the new diagnostic criteria for dry eye, numerous patients of blepharospasm are diagnosed with dry eye, resulting in improper treatments. It is recommended that blepharospasm be excluded from the diagnostic criteria for dry eye.

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