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要約 目的:後房型有水晶体眼内レンズを挿入した眼の,調節前後での眼内レンズ後面と水晶体前面の距離(vaulting)の変化の報告。対象と方法:後房型眼内レンズを挿入された5例9眼を対象とした。年齢は29~35歳(平均32歳)であり,術前の屈折は-5~-14D(平均-9.3D)であった。前眼部光干渉断層計で調節前後の前房深度とvaultingを測定した。結果:調節前と比較し,調節後の前房深度と角膜後面から眼内レンズ前面までの距離は有意に減少した。Vaultingには一定の変化がなかった。結論:後房型有水晶体眼内レンズ挿入眼では,調節により水晶体前面と眼内レンズは前方に偏位するが,vaultingには一定の変化はない。
Abstract. Purpose:To evaluate the changes in vaulting during accommodation in phakic eyes implanted with posterior chamber lens. Cases and Method:This study was made on 9 eyes of 5 persons who had received implantation of posterior chamber lens for myopia. The age ranged from 29 to 35 years, average 32 years. Before surgery, the refraction ranged between -5 to -14 diopters, average -9.3 diopters. An optical coherence tomograph for anterior segment was used to measure the depth of anterior chamber and the distance between anterior surface of the lens and anterior surface of intraocular lens, or vaulting, before and during accommodation. Results:Accommodation induced reduction in the depth of anterior chamber and in the distance between posterior corneal surface and anterior surface of intraocular lens. There was no significant changes in vaulting during accommodation. Conclusion:In phakic eyes implanted with posterior chamber lens, accommodation induces anterior shift of the lens and intraocular lens, but no significant changes in vaulting.
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