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要約 目的:視覚障害者の視覚障害等級と生活の質(quality of life:以下,QOL)の関連の検索。対象と方法:身体障害者手帳を所持している92例を対象とした。男性50名,女性42名で,年齢は平均63歳であった。障害の原因疾患は,緑内障38例,黄斑変性18例,網膜色素変性10例,糖尿病網膜症7例,その他19例であった。VFQ-25とSumiの問診表を使用してQOLを評価した。結果:全体として,二つの評価表で評価したQOLは,障害等級と相関した(VFQ-25:r=0.26,p=0.015,Sumi:r=-0.37,p=0.0002)。どちらの評価表も,1級を除く障害等級とQOLとの間には相関がなかった(VFQ-25:p=0.24,Sumi:p=0.1)。結論:1級を除き,視覚障害の等級はQOLの程度を反映していない。
Abstract. Purpose:To evaluate the correlation between grading of visual impairment and quality of life(QOL)in visually handicapped persons. Cases and Method:We evaluated 92 persons who were officially designated as visually handicapped. The series comprised 50 males and 42 females. The age averaged 63 years. Visual impairment was due to glaucoma 38 cases, macular degeneration 18 cases, retinitis pigmentosa 10 cases, diabetic retinopathy 7 cases and others 19 cases. QOL was evaluated by questionnaire using VFQ-25 and Sumi tables. Results:When seen as a whole, there was significant correlations between QOL and grading of visual impairment(VFQ-25:r=0.26, p=0.015, Sumi:r=-0.37, p=0.0002). Except grade 1, there was no significant correlation between QOL and each item of QOL evaluated by either method(VFQ-25:p=0.24, Sumi:p=0.1). Conclusion:Official grading of visual impairment does not, except grade 1, exactly reflect the degree of QOL in visually handicapped persons.
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