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要約 目的:ピット黄斑症候群の1例で観察した眼底自発蛍光の報告。症例:33歳女性が左眼中心暗点を主訴として受診した。矯正視力は右1.5,左0.1であり,左眼視神経乳頭面の耳側寄りに小窩(ピット)があり,黄斑部にかけ漿液性網膜剝離があった。眼底自発蛍光は波長488nmの青色光で観察した。所見と経過:初診時の自発蛍光は,ピットと網膜剝離の部位で低蛍光を呈した。硝子体手術により網膜剝離が消退した時点では,黄斑周囲にびまん性の過蛍光が生じ,網膜剝離が再発したあとでは再び低蛍光になった。結論:眼底自発蛍光は網膜色素上皮の代謝機能と関連するとされている。ピット黄斑症候群ではこれが経過とともに過蛍光と低蛍光の間を変動し,本症の病態を反映すると解釈された。
Abstract. Purpose:To report fundus autofluorescence in a case of pit-macular syndrome. Case and Methode:A 33-year-old female presented with central scotoma in her left eye. Corrected visual acuity was 1.5 right and 0.1 left. A pit was present on the optic disc temporal to its center. Serous retinal detachment was present between the disc and the macula. Fundus autofluorescence was observed using blue light of 488nm in wavelength. Findings:The area of optic disc pit and of retinal detachment showed hypofluorescence. After retinal detachment subsided by vitreous surgery, area of diffuse hyperfluorescence appeared around the macula. This area showed hypofluoresence after recurrence of retinal detachment. Conclusion:Fundus autofluorescence is claimed to be related with metabolism in the retinal pigment epithelium. In the present case of pit-macular syndrome, the autofluorescence fluctuated along with changes in the state of retinal detachment.

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