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塩酸ブナゾシン点眼が網膜と脈絡膜血流に及ぼす影響を検索した。被検者は健康な男性篤志者15名で,年齢は19~30歳,平均22歳である。片眼に0.01%塩酸ブナゾシン,他眼に生理食塩水を点眼した。血流測定にはレーザードップラ眼底血流計とLangham OBF tonometerを用いた。点眼前,点眼90分後,1日2回の点眼をした14日目に,血圧脈拍,眼圧,網膜動脈径,網膜動脈速度,網膜動脈血流量,拍動性眼血流量を測定した。点眼前に比べ,14日目には塩酸ブナゾシン点眼群で眼圧が有意に低下し,網膜動脈速度,網膜動脈血流量が有意に増加した(p<0.05)。拍動性眼血流量に変化はなかった。塩酸ブナゾシン点眼で網膜血流が増加する可能性がある。
We evaluated the possible effect of topical bunazosin hydrochloride on retinal and choroidal circulation in 15 healthy male volunteers. Their ages ranged from 19 to 30 years,average 22 years. One eye received instillation of 0.01%bunazosin and the fellow eye received physiological saline. Fundus circulation was measured before and 90minutes after single intillation,and 14 days after instillation twice daily. A retinal laser doppler velocimeter and a Langham OBF tonometer were used in the measurement. After 14 days of instillation,the bunazosin-treated eyes showed significant decrease in intraocular pressure,and increases in retinal arterial blood velocity and blood flow volume(p<0.05). There was no change in pulsatile ocular blood flow. These results show that topical bunazosin hydrochloride may increase retinal blood flow in healthy human eyes.
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