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要約 目的:光干渉断層計(OCT)で経過を追った交感性眼炎の症例の報告。症例:67歳男性が鈍性外傷で右眼角膜が穿孔し,角膜縫合,水晶体切除,硝子体切除を受けた。合併症なしに治癒した。その1年後,数日前からの頭痛,難聴,両眼の視力低下で受診した。所見:両眼に前房の炎症細胞,角膜後面沈着物,後極部に広範囲の漿液性剝離があった。OCTで網膜色素上皮の皺状不整があった。ステロイドのパルス療法を行い,1か月後に炎症は軽快し,OCT所見は正常化した。その6週間後,視力,前眼部,眼底に異常はなかったが,OCTで網膜色素上皮の不整像が再発した。経口プレドニゾロンを増量し,1か月後にOCT所見は正常化した。以後7か月後の現在まで経過は順調で,眼底は夕焼け状を呈している。結論:OCT所見から交感性眼炎の再発が予測できた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of sympathetic ophthalmia followed up by optical coherence tomography(OCT). Case:A 67-year-old male suffered corneal perforation by blunt injury in the right eye. Treatment by corneal suture,lensectomy and vitrectomy was followed by uneventful cure. One year later,he presented with headache,hypacusia and blurring in both eyes since a few days before. Findings:Both eyes showed cells in the anterior chamber,keratic precipitates,disc edema,and extensive retinal detachment. OCT showed irregular retinal pigment epithelium. Pulsed corticosteroid was followed by clinical cure one month later. Six weeks later,OCT showed irregular retinal pigment epithelium with no fundus disorders. Increased peroral prednisolone was followed by normalization of OCT findings. He is doing well for 7 months until present. Conclusion:OCT was useful in predicting recurrence of sympathetic ophthalmia.

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