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25ゲージ経結膜無縫合硝子体手術(transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy system:以下,TSV25TM)を施行された33例35眼の手術成績を検討した。術中合併症として網膜下出血,前房内空気迷入を,術後合併症として一過性低眼圧,高眼圧,網膜剝離を認めた。TSV25TMは,術中に出血しやすい脈絡膜新生血管などの疾患には不向きであるが,周辺硝子体を十分に切除する必要のない疾患には,よい適応であると考えられた。
We reviewed 35 eyes of 33 patients treated by 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy system. Subretinal hemorrhage and air bubbles in the anterior chamber were major intraoperative complications. Postoperative complications included transitory ocular hopotony,ocular hypertension,and retinal detachment. This system was found suitable for vitreous surgery not needing the removal of peripheral vitreous. It was found unsuitable for diseases that are liable to hemorrhage during surgery including choroidal neovascularization.

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