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要約 目的:23ゲージ硝子体手術の評価と成績の報告。対象と方法:過去6か月間に一人の術者が23ゲージ硝子体手術を行った74例78眼を対象とした。内訳は,黄斑上膜18眼,網膜静脈分枝閉塞症15眼,増殖糖尿病網膜症12眼,網膜剝離と増殖硝子体網膜症11眼,硝子体出血11眼などである。結果:膜処理は25ゲージよりも容易に行え,強膜圧迫による周辺部硝子体切除や眼内レンズ光凝固も20ゲージと同様にできた。術中合併症として,トローカ操作による網膜剝離が1眼,灌流ポートが抜けて脈絡膜下腔への灌流液の流入が2眼にあった。1眼に術後の一過性低眼圧があった。結論:トローカ操作に注意しながら23ゲージを使うことで,各種の網膜硝子体疾患に対し侵襲が小さく,縫合を必要としない硝子体手術が可能である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of 23-gauge system in vitreous surgery. Design:Single-center, single surgeon, retrospective, interventional case series. Participants:Consecutive series of 78 eyes of 74 patients who received 23-gauge transconjunctival vitreous surgery during a 6-month period. The series included epimacular membrane 18 eyes, branch retinal vein occlusion 15 eyes, diabetic retinopathy 12 eyes, retinal detachment 11 eyes, vitreous hemorrhage 11 eyes and others. Results:Membrane peeling was easier than with 25-gauge system. Peripheral vitrectomy or laser photocoagulation by indentation could be performed with the same ease as 20-guage system. Intraoperative complications included retinal detachment due to poor manipulation of troca in 1 eye, and inflow of influsion fluid into the subchoroidal space in 2 eyes. Transient postoperative hypotony developed in 1 eye. Conclusion:Use of 23-guage allows low-invasive sutureless vitreous surgery for vitreoretinal diseases.

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