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目的:糖尿病黄斑浮腫に対する硝子体手術中でのトリアムシノロン(triamcinolone acetonide)の併用効果の検討。症例:過去21か月間に硝子体手術を行った糖尿病黄斑浮腫17例21眼を対象とした。10眼にトリアムシノロンを併用し,11眼に併用しなかった。有水晶体眼では全例に水晶体摘出を行った。年齢は併用群62.6±13.5歳,非併用群59.2±10.8歳であり,併用群で6.8±3.7か月,非併用群で12.0±4.8か月の術後経過を観察した。結果:術後視力は両群で改善傾向があった。術後最終視力は併用群で非併用群よりも有意に高かった。術後最高視力に到達するまでの期間は併用群と非併用群とで有意差がなかった。術後最高視力は両群間に有意差がなかった。結論:糖尿病黄斑浮腫に対する硝子体手術中でのトリアムシノロン併用により,術後最高視力は改善するが最終視力には影響しない。
Purpose:To retrospectively evaluate the adjunctive use of triamcinolone acetonide during vitreous surgery for diabetic macular edema. Cases:This study involved 21 eyes of 17 cases that underwent vitreous surgery for diabetic macular edema during a 21-month period. Triamcinolone was used in 10 eyes and not in 11 eyes. The ages averaged 62.6±13.5 years in the former group and 59.2±10.8 months in the latter. Lens extraction was performed in all phakic eyes. Postoperative observation averaged 6.8±3.7 months in the former group and 12.0±4.8 months in the latter. Results:Visual acuity improved in both groups after surgery. Best postoperative visual acuity was better in eyes receiving triamcinolone than in others. It was achieved sooner in eyes receiving triamcinolone than in others. There was no difference in final visual acuity between the two groups. Conclusion:Use of triamcinolone improved the best postoperative visual acuity and not the final visual acuity.

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