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症例は15歳男性。水様下痢の9日事後に両下肢痛と四肢筋力低下が出現,神経伝導検査で運動神経優位の軸索,髄鞘両者の障害を認めGuillain-Barré症候群(GBS)と診断した。便からLior 4型,Penner 2型のCampylobacter jejuni(C.jeiuni)が分離され,抗GQ1b抗体を除くIgM抗GM1抗体をはじめ各種の抗ガングリオシド抗体が陽性であった。血漿交換療法とγ-グロブリン大量静注療法を行い自力で歩行可能となった。GBSから検出されるC.jejuniの血清型はPenner 19型が多いといわれているが,本症例は従来Fisher症候群に特徴的といわれるPenner 2型のC.jejuniが検出された稀な症例で,GBSの発症機序を考える上で貴重な症例と思われた。
We described a 15-year-old male who had Guil-lain-Barre syndrome (GBS). Nine days after watery diarrhea, the patient developed pain and weakness of foot muscles. On admission, the nerve conduction studies revealed peripheral neuropathy with axonal de-generation and demyelination. Campylobaeter jejuni (C. jejuni) with serotype of Lior 4, Penner 2 was isolated from his stool culture. IgM anti-GM 1 antibody and other various anti-ganglioside antibodies were de-tected in his serum. After receiving plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy, he was able to walk without assistance.

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