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症例は死亡時62歳,女性。健忘・異常行動など前頭葉型Pick病の臨床像を示し,運動障害は末期まで認められなかった。全経過3年7カ月で死亡。剖検にて前頭葉の萎縮,同部位の神経細胞脱落・glia増生・ballooned neuron,黒質に著明な神経細胞脱落,Gallyas-Braak法にて全脳に広汎なargyrophilicthreadsを認め,病理学的にcorticobasal degeneration(CBD)と診断した。近年,いわゆる緩徐進行性失語やPick病類似の臨床像を示した非典型的CBD剖検例が少数ながら報告されており,CBDの臨床像は従来知られているよりもさらに多彩な病像を示す可能性がある。本例のような症例の存在は,臨床病理学的にもCBDとPick病の疾患概念を考察するうえで重要である。
A pathologically proven case of corticohasal degeneration (CBD) with marked psychiatric symp-toms was reported.
A 59-year-old female was admitted to our hospi-tal in October 1989 because of her "forgetfulness". Her abnormal behavior began in August 1989, and she had no psychiatric signs before that time. On this admission she was diagnosed to have pan-hypopituitarism due to Sheehan syndrome. Corti-sone and levothyroxine were administered, but her mental symptoms deteriorated.

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