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In the previous report, we proposed the conceptof the driving pressure and the pressure trans-mission rate η to analyze the intracranial pressure.In that report the point of view that the intra-cranial pressure is considered as the transmittedpressure from the vascular system was theoreticallyestablished. In the present paper, normal intra-cranial circumstances is analyzed by the conceptof the driving pressure in 20 cases with normalCSF pressure.
1: The lumbar pressures measured by the closedrecording and the open recording were compared.The closed recording denotes the measurement ofthe CSF pressure without any loss of the CSF.The open recording means the measurement of theCSF pressure by the open manometer in which thepressure and fluctuation were measured at the stop-cock level by the pressure transducer. Small de-crement of the mean pressure and marked decreaseof the pulse pressure were observed when the closedrecording was switched to the open recording.
2: The mean pressure change by the removal of1ml of CSF was 7.6mmAq/ml.
3: The pressure transmission rates of the meanpressure and of the puse pressure were calculated.ηm was 6.05×10-2. ηHB was 2.26×10-2.ηRespwas 5.11×10-2.
From these observations normal cranial cavityapparently has characteristics of the open cavity.The reason why the cranial cavity seems to be anopen cavity can be explained by following 3 factorsnamely 1, CBF, that is, balance of in flow and outflow of the blood into and from the cranial cavity,2, CSF circulation and 3, the tension of the wallsin the cerebrovascular resistance vessels.
It is concluded that disturbances of any one ofthese 3 mechanisms make the cranial cavity closed,and that in the pathological condition the intra-cranial pressure tends to be determined by thesystemic blood pressure. The point of view whetherthe cranial cavity is either open or closed is signi-ficant to analyze the intracranial pressure.

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