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頭蓋内圧の動態を知り,その病態生理学的研究を行なおうとする場合,頭蓋内圧を連続的に記録し得て,かつ臨床的に用いても危険が少ない方法の確立が望まれる。その目的で従来臨床的,動物実験的に用いられてきた頭蓋内圧測定法には次のごときものがある,すなわち,ventricular drainageにより記録する方法,頭蓋内balloon挿入により圧変動を記録する方法3)9)subduralspaceにcanulationを行ない測定記録する方法11),また頭蓋骨に設けたburr holeにpressure transducerを装着固定して測定する方法4),などである。二れらの方法はそれぞれ特徴をもつているが,種々のartifactが人りやすく長時間の連続記録に不適当であったり,感染などの危険もあり,未だその臨床的応用の条件を十分に満足しているとはいい難い。最近Jacobsonらはfoil strain gageを小型圧力計に組み入れ,これを頭蓋内に挿入して頭蓋内圧を測定する方法を試みたが,calibrationの検討が不十分であるため,実際に使用するに至つていない。そこでわれわれは半導体ゲージを小型圧力計に組入れて頭蓋内圧測に応用した。
A microminiature transducer has been devised by one of us, which consists of two semiconductor strain gages. The device is very small in size, enough to be able to insert into the intracranial cavity with-out any difficulty, and measures a intracranial pres-sure precisely. The device is a disc shape (3 mm. in diameter, 1 mm. in thickness) and has two di-aphragms of different thicknesses. Semiconductor elements with the same size and performance are connected to these active and dummy diaphragms, respectively. They are connected to a bridge cir-cuit to compensate for temperature effect and reduce noise.
From the fundamental experiment on this device, the following points were confirmed.
1) Output-pressure relation.
The relation between output and pressure repre-sents an excellent linearity under pressures from 0 to 1000 mm. of water.
2) Sensitivity
If the temperature is kept constant, a pressure change less than 20 mm. of water can be detected by this device.
3) Temperature compensation
Temperature compensation in this device is ac-complished by the following three ways. a) Active and dummy gages are connected to a bridge circuit to compensate each other. b) The carbon resist-ance is coupled to one of the gages to correct the performance. c) For the purpose of keeping a con-stant current in the bridge circuit, a high resistance is coupled into the bridge circuit. When the relation between output and pressure at a temperature of 42℃ was shown in a graph, the straight line was obtained. At a temperature of 31.5℃, the deviation was about 5 to 10% from the above.
As one of the parameters of polygraph, the device was used to study cerebral hemodynamics. The ex-perimental and clinical cases using this device were demonstrated, respectively.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.