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1. Quantitative measurements of regional cerebral blood flow were performed by the use of 133Xe and the gamma scintillation camera (Pho/Gamma III) equipped with 1600 channel memory, data processor, computer compatible magnetic tape system and high speed printer.
2. After intracarotid injection of 133xe in saline, the activity of the brain was sampled on 1600 matrices and recorded for 10 minutes. Washout data were analysed and the flow index (ratio be-tween the total counts on a given matrix for initial 15 seconds and total counts on the same matrix for 10 minutes) was calculated for each matrix and mapped out. The pattern of distribution of flow indices compared favorably with the results obtained by several other methods of blood flow measurements.
3. For the purpose of compartmental analysis of the washout curve, 4, 6 or 9 matrices was combined and used for 1 ROI (region of interest). The results obtained were correlated with localisation of the tumor or other intracranial pathology. Generalizeddecrease in cerebral blood flow due to increased in-tracranial pressure, abnormal tumor flow pattern with or without shunt peak, and perifocal zone ofischemia were well demonstrated.
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