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Serial Brain Scanning by Use of 99mTechnetium Pertechnetate and Scintillation Camera (PHO/GAMMA III) Joji HANDA 1 , Sachio NABESHIMA 1 , Hajime HANDA 1 , Ken HAMAMOTO 2 , Tadako KOUSAKA 2 , Kanji TORIZUKA 2 1Department of Neurosurgery, Kyoto University Hospital 2Central Clinical Radioisotope Division, Kyoto University Hospital pp.1331-1342
Published Date 1969/12/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202643
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The sensitivity of the scintillation camera with multichannel collimators is appreciably higher than focused-collimator scanners. The resulting greater speed of scanning is a definite advantage for neu-rosurgical cases. A number of different views can be taken as desired. The examination can he com-pleted in a short time, this provides us with the possibility of serial scanning following a single dose of tracer, and a dynamic analysis of the uptake pattern is possible.

By use a memory scope and 1600 channel multi-parameter analyzer, the uptake ratio can be calculated serially and correlated with the interval between the administration of a tracer and the examination. The time course of the uptake ratio seems to be divided into four main categories. In type 1, the uptake ratio reaches the maximum immediately or shortly after the intravenous injection of 99mTc, then it decreases rapidly. In type 2, the uptake ratio shows a gradual increase during the examination period up to 2 hours. In type 3, the uptake ratio shows an initial rise, reaches the maximum 30 to -15 minutes after theintravenous administration of 99mTc, then it decreases again. In the type 4, the uptake ratio remains below 1, namely the focus is cool.

Meningiomas, arteriovenous malformations and one case of cavernous angioma belonged to type 1, astro-cytomas, oligodendrogliomas and cerebral infarctions to type 2, glioblastomas, sarcomas and most of the metastatic carcinomas to type 3. Uptake pattern of type 4 was seen in intracerebral hematomas.

Serial brain scanning following intracarotid injec-tion of 133Xe or 131I-MAA permits the estimation of blood flow or vascular bed in the pathologic focus. It has been definitety shown that the high blood flow and rich vascularity of the focus are the main factors responsible for the uptake pattern of type 1. In contrast, in the lesion which showed the uptake course of types 2 and 4, the focus was pooly vascu-larized.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


