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さて,脳血管撮影で診断に利用されうる血管の条件に次の3つをあげることができる。即ち,①その血管の読影に困難性がなく,かつ造影されやすいこと,②その血管に変異が少なく,かつ走行に定常性があること,③その血管がspace taking lesionによつて偏位,伸展をおこしやすい場所に位置していること,である。頸動脈撮影によつて習慣づけられた読影法によるならば,これらの3条件を満足している血管は,後頭蓋窩に甚しく乏しいといわざるを得ない。しかし,解剖学的に検討を加え,改めて脳血管像を精細に検討してみると,走行に定常性があり,腫瘍に対しても極めて鋭敏に反応する血管のあることを知つた。さらに,撮影法の工夫によつて読影上の困難性も克服され,テント下腔の異常を細かく追求できることを覚つた11)12)。このような立場から,まずここに小脳半球の内下面を走る一対の静脈,即ち,内下小脳静脈medial inferior cerebellar veinをとりあげて検討し,その診断的価値について論じたいと考える。
Upon the detail anatomical analysis of 100 adult brain hemispheres, the medial inferior cerebellar vein is verified to maintatin the high percentage (86%) consistency in its configuration. The vein passes through the medial inferior aspect of the cerebellar hemisphere in the vallecula and exists bilaterally in parallel in most cases. Thus, this vein is quite susceptive of the pressure unbalance in the posterior fossa. Roentgenologically, the medial inferior cerebellar vein is clearly demon-strated in 83% of this series. The tonsillar branches, the tonsillo-vermian point (the conflux of tonsillar branches and biventric branch) and the main venous stem of this vein maintain high consistency in location, configuration and distribution on X-ray films. Statistic analysis in this series revealed the following results.
I) A-P view
1) The average distance between the midline and the tonsillo-vermian point is 5. 3 mm (δ : 1. 6).
2) The average distance between the midline and the main venous stem is 2.4 mm (δ : 1. 7).
3) The average distance between the midline and the most medial point of the superior tonsillar branch is 2. 5 mm (δ : 0.9).
4) The average distance between the midline and the most lateral point of the superior tonsillar branch is 10. 5 mm (δ : 2. 0).
II) Lateral view
1) The average distance between the most posterior edge of the clivus and the tonsillo- vermian point is 42. 3 mm (δ : 2. 9).
2) The average distance between the inner- table of the posterior fossa calvarium and thetonsillo-vermian point is 10. 5 mm (δ : 2. 6).
The above measured standard value can be utilized to evaluate the deviation and the change of con-figuration of the medial inferior cerebellar vein due to the posterior fossa space occupying lesion in conclusion. The author will refer the clinical and roentgenological aspects of the medial inferior cerebellar vein in next paper.

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