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Prof. Araki's classification of head injury cases is not only useful for estimating severity of head in-juries but also diagnostically useful in that its IV th type (the intracranial hemorrhage type) shows an indication for operative treatment. In applying this classification practically atypical cases are encountered occasionally. We analyzed our own 137 cases be-longing mainly to the IV th type and the III rd cerebral contusion) type from the standpoint ofclinical course and symptoms, and examined in what group of the cases incidence of intracranial hemato-ma was high and prognosis could be improved by operative treatment. Reference was made to the way of applying this classification to atypical cases. As for diagnosis of intracranial hematoma, cases, in which the clinical IV th type diagnosis, immediately or simply after echoencephalography, is followed by exploratory trephination or craniotomy, are limited to ultra-emergency cases, and usually emer-gency carotid angiography precedes the operation. However, carotid angiography- is not without harm for severe head injury cases. Thus, following con-clusions were reached as for diagnostic application of this classification to head injury cases.
Prof. Araki's classification will continue to be useful for diagnosis of head injury cases, but foll-owing supplementary notes will be added in its application. 1) Cases of the IV th type, typical or atypical, have an indication for emergency angio-graphy, except for some ultra emergency cases as described above. 2) Cases of the I st (simple) or the II nd (cerebral concussion) type, in which sub-jective symptoms show rapid aggravation, have a relative indication for emergency angiography. 3 Severe III rd type cases have also a relative indication for emergency angiography, but possibility of post-angiographic aggravation and relatively poor pro-gnosis despite hematoma evacuation in this group should be remembered.

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